embellished sole ankle boots
embellished sole ankle boots
embellished sole ankle boots
embellished sole ankle boots

embellished sole ankle boots

5.0折 可获得¥169.96返利
Brown leather and suede embellished sole ankle boots from Le Silla.
Lining 成分 皮革/毛皮/稀有动物皮->牛皮 100%
Sole 成分 皮革/毛皮/稀有动物皮->牛皮 100%
Sole 成分 rubber 100%
Outer 成分 皮革/毛皮/稀有动物皮->绒面皮 100%
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支持国内信用卡 支持PayPal国际版 支持转运 可直邮
Le Silla
The source of inspiration for Enio Silla, designer of Le Silla’s footwear, is to materialize the idea of seduction, to make the image of a woman real and full of femininity. This is his real passion to which he has dedicated himself since 1994, the year of the label’s creation. In that year, the firm was established in the rich shoe area of ‘Le Marche’ where Le Silla distinguishes itself because of the additional value given to the product thanks to its detail and style.
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