Luminous Liquid Foundation/1 oz. Classic 60

Luminous Liquid Foundation/1 oz. Classic 60


For the woman who desires to enhance her natural beauty with a complexion that gleams with lustrous radiance. Dolce & Gabbana presents a sophisticated, modern fluid format for foundation that is silken and sensuous. Dressing the skin with radiant, golden light, the complexion appears perfected with a flawless, dewy finish and impalpable coverage. Each shade offers skin an amazing natural looking coverage with skin conditioning and hydrating benefits. 1 oz. Made in Italy.

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Dolce & Gabbana
Domenico Dolce和Stefano Gabbana两位设计师在意大利时尚圈扮演了举足轻重的角色。感性,妩媚的意大利时尚女性激起了两人的创作灵感,他们的设计风格性感中带干练,难怪在短短的30年内便能成功地将该品牌晋升为家喻户晓的奢侈品大牌。Farfetch现在就带你体验!
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