North American Herb & Spice Sage-o-Soothe Tea

North American Herb & Spice Sage-o-Soothe Tea



Sage-o-Soothe tea infusion is pure herbal power from sun-charged wild sage. This is the whole food way to get the power of wild sage. This is the original wild high-mountain sage used as a healthy tea. Also known as Mountain Tea it is handpicked wild from the remote wilderness. It’s potent, without caffeine. That’s why it is the healthiest tea available. Sage-o-Soothe tea infusion has the power of photonic energy–the synergy of mountain rock and sun. Wild sage is a natural source of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Drink your Sage-o-Soothe infusion every day for better health.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Serving Size 1/2 tsp
Servings Per Container 90


Add 1/2 teaspoon or more to a cup of hot water. Let steep and stir then filter. Add raw honey, if desired. This is the most refreshing tea in the world. With whole food infusions, you get all the nutrients - no teabags, no waste.

Other Ingredients: Organic, wild, high-mountain sage leaves


North American Herb & Spice
P.O. Box 4885
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

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